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Who are we...

With the collaboration of a well known Swiss Biochemist and organic cosmetics laboratory, Swiss Toniq was founded in Geneva, Switzerland by British born mother, ex horse breeder and professional showjumping rider Fiona Nicholls in 2017, after a horse fall that left her with a broken spine and woke her up to healing and caring for her body.


Fiona Nicholls, Swiss Toniq Geneva



She was angry when she discovered many products claiming to be "organic" or "natural" (even organic certified ones) could still contain up to 20% dangerous synthetic substances legally as long as the bulk of the ingredients were organic. This totally defeats the idea of clean skincare and tricks women into believe their skincare is safe when it may not be.

Her disdain for the beauty industry continued when she learned that most of the ingredients in her beauty products were added to make the product feel silkier, look a lovely colour, smell pretty and last longer on shelves. They had zero skin benefits.  and such synthetic substances should not be anywhere near our skin. Fiona skin issues and minor health problem cleared up once she removed all these dangerous products from her life

Now the problem was that when she did find products that were truly natural and safe they offered no visible results for the anti ageing she was seeking


Fiona Nicholls, Swiss Toniq


She wanted to bring higher quality organic products to women, products that were adapted for women over 40, over 50 and over 60, an age where skin needs a lot more nutrients and a small miracle.

Products that actually worked and were not bulked up with poison or diluted with masses of water or useless filler substances.

Products where women PAY FOR AMAZING INGREDIENTS... AND NOT for the celebrity sponsorships, masses of glossy packaging and huge advertising campaign costs that are routinely added into products.


"I have always been a serious skin care customer, using the most high-end, high-tech skin care available but as I became aware of how dangerous it all was I started seeking natural alternatives and  was really disappointed with what was available.
There weren't any high performing products out there that were SAFE, UNDILUTED and that gave VISIBLE RESULTS, so I decided to challenge the existing "money driven" skincare industry and produce...

the world's most natural, most concentrated and most effective

skincare products using only high performing, clinically tested COLD PRESSED ingredients, many of which are globally award winning.
My health and my skin have improved enormously since using my own products"


Swiss Toniq has helped many women reverse ageing

Fiona Nicholls, CEO Swiss Toniq


The secret of our success

Swiss Toniq uses an elaborate selection of herbs, medicinal plant extracts and oils from flowers, seeds and trees, some that have existed over 400 million year, plants that have survived drought, flood, extreme heat and frost while most other plants died out. Ones that have survived so long despite all the climate changes because they contain unique cell renewing properties that resist hardship and regenerate new cells under the toughest conditions and this is exactly what they offer to your skin.



Swiss Toniq




We believe that sharing is caring which is why (since 2018) we at Swiss Toniq donate a portion of our proceeds to the following incredible charities:


 About Us

This incredible agency works selflessly to investigate and go undercover for months, at times risking their lives in order to rescue hundreds of children that have been kidnapped for sex slavery and sex trafficking. An incredible team of people
Cadela Carlota Swiss Toniq charity
A beautiful group of animal lovers who devote themselves selflessly to save hundreds of suffering dogs that are dying of hunger, thirst and disease
A beautiful group of horse lovers who volunteer in helping save horses, ponies and donkeys from misery, getting them back to good health and finding loving new homes for them

Swiss Toniq products are strictly not tested on animals.