PhytoCellTec™ est une nouvelle technologie de culture de cellules végétales utilisant des cellules souches végétales, qui a été reconnue lors de la conférence des Nations Unies Rio + 20 comme une avancée écologique
Avec l'utilisation de PhytoCellTec™ Cellules Souches Végétales, le vieillissement cutané peut se manifester en protégeant les cellules souches vitales de la peau. Cela signifie que la peau reste jeune plus longtemps et paraît plus belle et plus vitale.
- Réduit les rides et ridules
- Protège et revitalise les cellules souches dermiques
- Redensifie la peau
Bannit les taches brunes
- Améliore l'aspect lisse et impeccable de la peau, même lorsqu'elle est exposée au soleil
- Réduit la taille des pores
Arganier PhytoCellTec™ est à base de cellules souches végétales de l'arganier très résistant et rare. PhytoCellTec™ Argan est le premier actif à effet protecteur protégé sur de véritables cellules souches dermiques, capable d'obtenir un rajeunissement cutané en profondeur.
PhytoCellTec™ nunatak® est basé sur des cellules souches de la rare Fleur de Saponaria pumila qui a survécu à la dernière période glaciaire dans les Alpes. Au cours de cette période de glaciation, Saponaria pumila a réussi à échapper à la glace en se déplaçant vers de rares sommets montagneux libres de glace appelés nunataks. Bien qu'elle soit exposée à de basses températures et à de grandes quantités de rayonnement UV, cette plante rare a développé des stratégies d'adaptation uniques, des mécanismes de réparation efficaces et des composants protecteurs. Et ces précieuses substances sont désormais disponibles pour les soins de la peau.
MossCellTec™ n° 1 - Médaille d'or "Best Ingredient Award - Global 2018" "Best Ingredient Award - North America 2018" et "Most Innovative Raw Material 2018"
Vin-up lift provient d'un vin de glace suisse exclusif où les raisins sont laissés geler sur la vigne avant la récolte, un processus délicat qui modifie la composition moléculaire du raisin. Dans les études cliniques, il a été démontré que Vin-up Lift lifte et raffermit immédiatement la peau, diminue la profondeur des rides déjà 30 minutes après l'application et hydrate ainsi la peau à long terme, lui donnant un aspect jeune et frais.
Lipobelle Sojaglycone est la forme biologiquement active la plus abondante de l'isoflavone de soja génistéine. C'est un puissant booster qui stimule fortement la production de collagène.
Des études cliniques prouvent que Lipobelle Soyaglycone augmente l'épaisseur de la peau, réduit l'apparence des rides et un effet lifting qui fait paraître la peau cinq ans plus jeune.
Si vous êtes déjà fan de notre Advanced Repair primé, alors vous allez adorer ce sérum. Il contient tous les mêmes ingrédients que Advanced Repair PLUS, non pas un mais deux types de PhytoCellTec™ cellules souches , amenant vos soins de la peau à un autre niveau.
Remarque : Si vous souffrez de peau sèche, nous vous recommandons de l'associer à notre huile d'argan pure.
Ingrédients: MossCellTec™ n° 1, nunatak®, PhytoCellTec™ Argan, PhytoCellTec™ , Huile de Rose Musquée Sauvage, Huile d'Argan, Vin-up Lift, Lipobelle Soyaglycone, Huile d'Amande Douce, Huile de Pépins de Raisin, Huile de Neem, Huile de Jojoba, SLSA, Extrait d'Aloe Vera, Huile Essentielle de Néroli, Extrait de Romarin, Aqua, Vitamine E, Huile d'Avocat , Huile d'olive,
Mode d'emploi: Agiter avant utilisation. Appliquer un appliquer en fine couche sur l'ensemble du visage et du cou 2 fois par jour, puis tapoter délicatement la peau pour permettre au sérum de pénétrer en profondeur. En cas de maquillage, appliquer une très fine couche de sérum sur le visage et le cou puis attendre 5 à 10 minutes avant d'appliquer se maquiller. Convient à tous les types de peau.
℮ 30 ml / 1 once liquide (dure environ 4-5 semaines si appliqué deux fois par jour)
Tous les ingrédients sont biologiques, végétaliens, non blanchis, non cuits et actifs
Zéro produits chimiques
sans cruauté
Zéro agent de charge utilisé
Pas d'emballage plastique
Commerce équitable
*Comme nos ingrédients sont bruts et actifs, il peut y avoir de légères différences de couleur ou d'autres différences entre les lots. Merci de votre compréhension
Il est temps de mettre à jour, c'est gratuit !
Cliquez simplement en haut à gauche de l'extension et enregistrez-vous pour accéder à 10 raccourcis. Votre e-mail reste sécurisé, mais nous vous enverrons un contact pour vos commentaires !• Redensifies the skin
• Banishes dark spots, age spots
• Improves the smooth and flawless appearance of the skin, even when exposed to the sun
• Reduces pore size
• Helps builds skin natural resistance to UV and pollution
If you already love our Advanced Repair serum, then you’ll love this even more!
The tired and damaged skin cells slowly flake away leaving the newly boosted healthy ones to rise to the surface, leaving you with younger glowing skin, while sealing in valuable moisture.
This serum is not bulked up with masses of water or any useless filler substances, every single ingredient is highly concentrated, natural and has proven its effectiveness in anti ageing clinical tests.
is a new plant cell culture technology using plant stem cells, which was recognized at the United Nations Rio + 20 conference as an ecological breakthrough. With the use of PhytoCellTec™ Plant Stem Cells, skin ageing can manifest itself by protecting the skin's vital stem cells. This means skin stays youthful longer and looks more beautiful and vital.
PhytoCellTec™ Argan
is based on plant stem cells from the very resistant and rare argan tree. PhytoCellTec™ Argan is the first active ingredient with a protective effect protected on real dermal stem cells, capable of achieving deep skin rejuvenation.
PhytoCellTec™ Nunatak®
is based on stem cells from the rare Flower of Saponaria pumila which survived the last ice age in the Alps. During this period of glaciation, Saponaria pumila managed to escape the ice by moving to rare ice-free mountain peaks known as nunataks. Despite being exposed to low temperatures and high amounts of UV radiation, this rare plant has developed unique coping strategies, effective repair mechanisms and protective components. And these valuable substances are now available for skin care.
MossCellTec™ No. 1
Médaille d'or "Best Ingredient Award - Global 2018" "Best Ingredient Award - North America 2018" et "Most Innovative Raw Material 2018"
comes from an exclusive Swiss Icewine where the grapes are left to freeze on the vine before harvesting, a delicate process that alters the molecular composition of the grape. In clinical studies, Vin-up Lift has been shown to immediately lift and firm the skin, decrease the depth of wrinkles already 30 minutes after application, and thus hydrate the skin in the long term, providing a youthful and fresh appearance.
Lipobelle Soyaglycone
is the most abundant biologically active form of the soy isoflavone genistein. It is a powerful booster that strongly stimulates the production of collagen. Clinical studies prove that Lipobelle Soyaglycone increases skin thickness, reduces the appearance of wrinkles and a lifting effect that makes skin appear five years younger.
Other ingredients (all organic and cold pressed):
Rosehip oil, Argan oil, Almond (sweet) oil, Grapeseed oil, Neem oil, Jojoba oil, Aloe Vera leaf extract, Neroli light essential oil, Aqua, Rosemary extract, Avocado oil, Olive extra virgin organic oil.
All ingredients are organic, vegan, unbleached, uncooked and active
Zero chemicals
cruelty free
Zero bulking agent used
No plastic packaging
Fair trade
*As our ingredients are raw and active, there may be slight color or other differences between batches. Thanks for understanding
What's the difference between this and the Advanced Repair serum?
Can I use my usual toner, cleanser, eye cream or moisturiser with this serum?
It is designed to also treat the eye area for fine lines, puffing and dark shadows.
It would also be a pity to combine it with other products as this serum is totally free of any nasty ingredients and the existing product you are thinking of using possibly contain some synthetic chemicals.
What's the difference between the version with or without essential oils?
What age group is this serum for?
My skin is dry in places, oily in others and breaks our sometimes so I'm afraid to add an oil product!
Complete Your Skin Care Routine
I have used various products from Swiss Toniq, notably their serums. I love this one, I feel it goes deeper into my skin and nourishes it, while also making it luminous, like the other serums. It is difficult to explain to others how I feel when using Fiona’s products, but the bottom line is that I did not need to buy anything else. My skin is happy and wants more. I gradually gave up even on eye products. I have a dry skin. I don’t know how someone with a different kind type would feel. Thank you for your wonderful products.
This serum seems to literally melt into the skin. I use it twice a day and love the way it makes my skin feel smooth, soft, supple and nourished. This serum "does it all" - face, eye area and neck. An amazing product!
I’ve been using this serum for almost a year now and would never use anything else on my skin. My face is aging backwards, my skin glowing, age spots are diminishing and people cannot believe I turn 61 in 2 months! I cannot recommend this serum highly enough!
I have been using the advanced repair serum and liked it. I decided to try double stem cell and absolutely loved it! I am on my second bottle now. My skin feels supple and soft and people keep telling me that my face is glowing. My discolouring is diminished too. I also like the fact that I'm only using one product - it saves time and is so convenient!
After trying the advanced repair I wanted to try this one and I don’t regret it !!! It is just amazing and peoples told me that my skin is really better ! Since I use Swiss toniq products my skin really changed ! Thanks !
I've been using this incredible serum a few months now, I love that I now use 1 product as opposed to countless products and even better I am seeing improvements in my skin daily! This is literally the best serum, moisturiser, anti aging product I have ever used, I use it on my face, neck and décolleté but I want to use it all over my body!
This is the second time I have ordered this serum. I loved it the first time, but the second time it's a wow. My skin is glowing, pores are refned and dark spots are less visible. It is now part of my dsaily routine.
I absolutely love these products, from the make-up remover bar, the deep cleaning bar, the scrubs, and most importantly the serums. Thank you!
I want to use this product everywhere! It’s the solution to tired creepey skin. My skin is glowing and tight after just a few uses. Thank you for finally making a clean not watered down product that does what it promises to do.
I am a fan of Swiss Toniq since Fiona launched the company some years ago. I started by using the Advance Repair Serum, then the Hydratation Pro and then just after its launch I became "addicted to" Double Stem Cell Serum which is my favourite together with the Night Serum.
Some months ago i had to go through a difficult medical treatment including some surgeries and i never stopped usigg Swiss Toniq's products. I always had these miracles in small bottles with me, even in the hospital. I love these products!
Katarzyna Cuadrat
Powered by Nature
cruelty free
zero synthetic substances
zero bulking fillers
plastic freepackaging
kind to theplanet
kind to verysensitive skin
regenerate cellsdeep down for longlasting results