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How Skin Care Needs Change as We Age

How Skin Care Needs Change as We Age

Ageing gives us wisdom, but it also brings on change. It can not be denied that as we grow older, every part of our body is slowly affected. Of all these changes, the most visible may be in the skin, with wrinkles, pigmentation, and a loss of elasticity.

While you can’t stop the clock, you can take care of your skin to slow down or even reverse some of the effects of ageing. A regular routine using all-natural skincare products is important to adopt early on, but as we get older, our skin needs change.

Benefits of a Healthy Skin Care Routine

Consistently keeping up with a healthy skincare routine over the decades of your life can have significant anti-ageing effects. Adopting good habits will result in benefits like:

  • A brighter and less blotchy complexion
  • Maintaining your skin’s firmness and elasticity
  • Reducing the appearance of lines and wrinkles
  • A lower risk of skin cancer

Tips for your 20s and 30s

Most women in the prime of their youth are not thinking about the importance of sunscreen and taking care of their skin. However, starting healthy habits when you’re young will help you maintain them as you age. In your 20s and into your 30s, it is important to consider the following:

Sun Protection

As the collagen in your skin decreases starting in your 20s, sunscreen usage becomes vital. Wearing SPF daily can slow down the loss of collagen and help prevent early wrinkles and skin sagging. To avoid smelling like a pina colada or causing damage to yourself or the environment, select a high-quality SPF without any toxic UV filters.

Sleep Hygiene

Getting good sleep every night provides many health benefits. These benefits include skin cell regeneration. As you sleep, your dead cells are naturally replaced with new ones. Not getting proper sleep can interrupt this crucial cycle.

Blemish Control

Acne that continues into your 20s and beyond can be due to stress, hormones, medication, or product build-up on your skin. If you’re suffering from acne, it’s essential to keep your face and body clean using a naturally moisturising soap that won’t cause damage to your skin’s natural outer barrier or irritation. Skin cleansers that contain harsh or abrasive chemicals can make acne worse. It would help to also examined your diet and digestion as many skin complaints actually originate from gut issues.

Tips for your 40s and 50s

When women enter their 40s, they start to be more concerned with wrinkles and skin elasticity. The most helpful things to consider in your 40s and 50s include the following:


Your skin naturally loses moisture as you age. In your 40s, it is crucial to introduce moisturising skincare products into your routine. Pay attention to the ingredients in your moisturising products. Many moisturisers on the market are mostly water and include ineffective ingredients that only care for the outer superficial skin layer.


Collagen is one of the building blocks of your skin. As collagen decreases over time, your skin loses elasticity. Look for natural skincare products that encourage collagen production.

Plant-derived Stem Cells

Products containing plant-derived stem cells deliver antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties to your skin, fighting UV damage and reversing the signs of ageing. Plant-derived stem cells have been shown to protect against free radicals, boost collagen production, and decrease inflammation. Unique skincare brand Swiss Toniq offers a range of concentrated products that harness the power of plant-derived stem cells.


Exfoliation is essential for skin cell turnover and regeneration. In your 40s and 50s, your skin needs more help stimulating this natural process. However, you should always avoid chemical exfoliants and opt for fine powder oil scrubs instead.

Tips for your 60s and Beyond

After menopause, your skin needs more help than ever to stay hydrated and youthful. In your 60s and beyond, keep these helpful tips in mind:

Skin Care for Your Whole Body

Cleansing, moisturising, and providing sun protection are important for more than just your facial skin. While this is true throughout your life, in your 60s and older, paying attention to your whole body is crucial. The skin of your hands, chest, and neck thin out and lose moisture, really showing signs of ageing. To counteract these effects, always wash with an all-natural moisturising body soap and apply a concentrated moisturiser made from organic and unrefined medicinal plants all over your body.


Natural retinol is a key ingredient for increasing elastin, reducing the loss of hydration from your skin, encouraging collagen production, and counteracting the effects of UV radiation. Retinol should be introduced into your skincare routine well before your 60s, but it becomes even more important after menopause.

Skin Care at Every Age

We can’t help getting older, but we can prioritise taking care of our skin at any time. Developing a skincare routine and healthy habits should start early and adapt as you age. While moisturising and sun protection are always essential, ensuring your go-to products contain age-appropriate ingredients becomes more crucial as skin matures.


Aging is inevitable, affecting every part of our body, including our skin. As we age, our skin's needs change, so adjusting our routine is important. Check out this infographic for some tips on maintaining healthy skin.

3 Skin Care Guidelines Infographic



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